
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Rome Week 33

Today we received transfer calls and I have been transferred out of Rome and out of the Visitor Center. I am going to Pescara and my new companion is Sorella Varano-Chu, she is Italian.
Pescara is on the other side of Italy, on the Adriatic Sea.  It is known for beautiful beaches.
I am leaving Rome on Thursday. I have mixed emotions about it all. I have never left the visitor center, I have been here in Rome and the Visitor Center my entire mission.

When I was in the visitor center an American gentleman started to ask about some of the things there.  He was a member of the church and I was pointing things from the visitor center out to him.  He asked me where I was from and I responded, "I'm from Missouri."  He said that he loved Missouri and wanted to know where I was from in Missouri.  I answered, "I'm from the St. Louis area."  He said, "That sounds like you are not really from St. Louis."  I said, "I am actually from Cape Girardeau but know one ever knows where that is so I say I'm from St. Louis area."  He said, "I know where Cape Girardeau is!  I was there for stake conference last October.  I think I saw you there because you look familiar."  We chatted for a little bit about Cape and the stake, he showed me a photo of him with President Dickson and President Baird.  After he left I was thinking about it and realized that he was a General Authority of the church.  He was a Seventy!  Pretty cool.

This week has flown by super fast. We had so many visitors this week in the visitor center.
We had an appointment with one of the people we are teaching. She cancelled on us due to work. While we were waiting for our bus we heard a lady yell "SORELLE!"  My companion and I both turned around quickly and it was the lady we were supposed to have had an appointment with. She came and gave us a hug and introduced us to her son. It was a miracle. 

Downer story: one of the guys we were teaching decided he did not like our church when we taught him some of the commandments and the Restoration. He was really cool and we respect his wishes. It was just kind of sad when he told us he thinks his church is for him and ours is for us. Well, what can we do? We all have free agency.

We had a very good district council. We also had our district lunch and we went to a restaurant called The Break. We had really yummy like burgers just like America

This P-day is my last P-day in Rome. So we played zone calcio which is a zone soccer. Man it was fun, I missed soccer it was pretty fun!

Sorella Hyatt🇮🇹

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