
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pescara, Italy week 14, Mission Week 48 in Italy

This week was a pretty fast week but a very good one.
We have had quite a few lunch and dinner appointments lately which usually does not happen super often, at least when I am serving in an area

We went to a place in our area called Lanchiano and we are teaching a part-member family there. We spoke to them about the Law of Tithing and we were able to point out scriptures in the bible where Abraham had given tithing. Another great scripture about tithing is in Malachi 3:8-12 which, as well, talks about tithing. After the lesson this family had made us Santo Dominican food. Really good rice with some beans and homemade fried chicken. It was very good.
This week we also visited a member in our ward who lives alone and has no family around. She loves to have us over and we love giving her company. We had the opportunity to do a practice lesson with her over the Plan of Salvation and she helped us more with our Italian. 

One day, as we were walking to the train station, a random man stopped US. Usually no one stops the missionaries so we were surprised. He had asked us where we were originally from and then he started getting mad at us for coming to Italy and kept asking us why we were here and how much he didn't like his own country. We then were able to explain our purpose as missionaries and that we love his country. He then shared with us about his contradicting belief that he believes in Jesus but the world aspect does not believe He exists so that was reality. It was quite confusing his stance on things. Nonetheless, my companion and I bore our testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ and our living prophet today. We then invited the man to come to church and to our surprise he said he would love to visit. 

We also went to another part-member family that we are teaching from Ecuador and we had a family home evening with them. We read the first 7 chapters of the Book of Mormon together and did the "Come Follow Me" booklet in preparation for Sunday. After that we then played a game equivalent to the game "Sorry" and the family was really happy; there was a good spirit there.
Saturday we had a dinner appointment at a member family's house from Venezuela. It was so cool to be with this family and strengthen them spiritually. We spoke to the about the importance of genealogy work and how we all should find out more about our ancestors. We then ate very good classic Venezuelan food. 

Sunday was a good fast Sunday! 2 Brazilian girls that had always came to visit me when I was in the visitor center randomly showed up to church in Pescara. One of the girls dad is part of the stake in Rome so he came up to Pescara to visit it and they decided to come with him. It was very good to have them with us. We also had 6 people in church for sacrament meeting.

After church we did a lesson with a family and their 2 nephews who has interest in the church and we taught them about the Restoration of the gospel.
For lunch we went to another member family's house and we as well explained the importance of temples and family history. They had made us an awesome lasagna and a desert called Tirimisu! So yummy. 

For dinner we had also been invited over. We took a bus to another place in our area name Chieti which is about an hour away. We ate at this beautiful young member family's house and they invited their non-member friend over. We ate salad, salami, cheese, and chicken. It was a very light dinner but very good. It was great to get to know this cute family and their friend. We took the opportunity to show pictures of our family members to them and explain to the friend why families are so important in our church. The beautiful message that families can be sealed together for time and all eternity is just miraculous thanks to temples. I'm grateful for the restored gospel and priesthood authority on the earth. Through the prophet Joesph Smith the church of Jesus Christ was able to be restored and priesthood keys are on the earth once more. Through keys we are able to have temples that unites families together for eternity.

Sorella Hyatt🇮🇹

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