
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Municipio Roma 2 - Rome Week 30

This week has been miraculous! 

I did some scambi (exchanges) this week with Sorella Worthen and Sorella A.Barnes. We do exchanges as missionaries so we can see how other companionships work together and we can learn new ways to teach the gospel. I had the great opportunity to be with those 2 sisters and see their love for the Savior through their teaching about Him to people that we encountered in the Visitor center.

One night there were 2 Italian couples that were at the mall and had seen the Rome Italy Temple. They decided to come and learn more about it. The senior couples spoke to them and gave them each a Book of Mormon. The couples left their contact information to learn more and it so happens to be that they live in my area in Rome! It is a miracle because my companion and I had been praying to meet Italians to teach. 

One night as we were taking public transportation to get home I had an impression to talk to a girl on the bus. It, the impression, was messing with me and I could no longer contain the feeling so I started talking with her. She was very nice and knew English as well. She was interested in learning more English so I invited her to come to our English course here which is at the temple site. She seemed very happy and gave me her cell phone so we could keep in touch.

A couple of weeks ago a friend of my dad asked about the church; my dad spoke with him about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and had taken the time to bear his testimony about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This friend became sincerely interested and accepted my dad's invitation to go to church. He really enjoyed church and loved the feeling he had. He then pursued to investigate more on the matter and contacted me to teach him more because my dad had told him I am a missionary and in the visitor center so I can talk to him anytime. Soon enough my companion and I started teaching him and his lovely girlfriend. This friend has accepted all the invitations we have extended to him and has kept all the commitments. He has chosen to be baptized this week! This friend has incredible faith and his faith has led to actions. His faith in Jesus Christ is remarkable and his willingness to repent and be baptized by proper authority. He has read some chapters and verses of the Book of Mormon and has done what Moroni has invited everyone to do which is read these things for yourself and pray in the name of Christ to know if these things are true. He knew it was true because he had asked of God and he had felt a happy feeling inside his heart. I am very proud of him and proud of my dad who has helped him come this far. I am very grateful to be helping and teaching people the Gospel of Christ, while I am in Italy, to my hometown in the States.

We also had a training meeting in the visitor center recently and they had talked about a new update. Now for the Visitor Center sister missionaries have the option to do a Bible study or a Book of Mormon study and we have been trained on how to come about that. We have a small handbook assignment for those who want to study and then the Sisters have a guide that they follow as well and teach. It is brand new and it is amazing. Now people when they come onto they can request just for a Bible study or Book of Mormon study and then we can do that. Technology is such a blessing. We are able to preach the gospel and reach every point through it. We are able to explain the gospel through technology. The Lord really is hastening the work and wants everyone to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Technology was brought by Heavenly Father to help His work move forward. We need to be using this technology wisely and cautiously. This is what we do in the visitor center is use technology wisely to teach the doctrine of Christ. I encourage everyone to find new and better ways to use technology and to help gather Israel through technology.

Sorella Hyatt🇮🇹

The following are from St. Paul's Basilica, Rome Italy

Tiber River, Rome, Italy - in my area where I live

Some views from my area, Rome, Italy

My Zone with President and Sister Smith (middle of photo)

Congrats Taylor Raines on your baptism in Cape Girardeau this coming Saturday!

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